Kimberly Simpson

I love real estate and the idea of helping people find the perfect place to callhome. Growing up in Chicago helped develop my love of architecture, andbinge-watching HGTV helped cultivate my passion for design. I can look at aspace and immediately see its potential. I am also a former educator and stillserve my community as […]
Sharon Newman

I am passionate about helping others become the best they can be. I don’t pretend to have it all or even know it all, but I give my all to those who want it. I am a travel consultant and independent insurance professional.
Rochelle Haynes

I am passionate about helping others become the best they can be. I don’t pretend to have it all or even know it all, but I give my all to those who want it. I am a travel consultant and independent insurance professional.
Sheila McCoy

My name is Sheila McCoy, Financial Services Representative at New York Life Insurance and Annuity Company and Mary Kay Consultant.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Rotary Club of the Southland has been instrumental with the service andfundraising efforts with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Sleep in Heavenly Peace hasvolunteers assist to make beds for children in the community who have no beds tosleep on due to fire, floods, and life struggles. The Rotary Club of the Southlandhas collaborated with State Farm, […]
Grinch Christmas Party w/ Seniors

On December 3 Rotary sponsored their quarterly Service Above Self project at Saint Anthony’s supportive living in Lansing, IL. The Southland Rotary brought treats, spent time with seniors, and even brought the Grinch. We also were able to provide 10 seniors without family with holiday baskets.