Dr. Lenell Navarre has led Bloom Township District 206 and its communities into the 21st Century and continues to be on the cutting edge of education by having his finger on the pulse of our schools and his feet firmly planted in our communities. As a building administrator, Dr. Navarre developed and implemented a school improvement plan, a student disciplinary code, a parent advisory committee, and a student advisory committee at both Bloom and Bloom Trail High Schools in addition to leading a curriculum council and mentoring students. After more than a decade of service to the students and families of District 206 as an educator and administrator, Dr. Navarre stepped into the role of Superintendent in 2012. Since taking over leadership of the district, the District 206 educational experience has continued to evolve. Graduation rates are at historic highs and the district has experienced consecutive years of budget surpluses and the revival of programs long removed. Dr. Navarre brought the district from being financially in the red to a healthy fund balance and the highest financial rankings given by ISBE.
Under Dr. Navarre’s leadership, District 206 has shown tremendous growth in its curriculum and building infrastructure. Bloom Township has leveled up from the state watch list, ready for state takeover to receiving a “commendable” ISBE rating. During this time, the district expanded course offerings from five classes to six classes per day to allow our students the opportunity to take more elective courses, reading and math support classes, and Advanced Placement and Pre-AP classes, as well as created pathways for college and career readiness. His leadership has been key in establishing an Early College Initiative partnership with Prairie State College that allows seniors to earn dual credit with many students receiving their associate’s degree before they received their high school diploma.
Dr. Navarre completed the project that replaced well water with city water at Bloom Trail High School. He secured the funding that provided air conditioning units for Bloom and Bloom Trail which tremendously improved the learning environment for all of our students. He oversaw the upgrade of Sarff field to a beautiful new turf and state-of-the-art athletic facility. After further assessment of our student’s physical, socio-emotional, and post-pandemic needs, Dr. Navarre added a new weight room and a cardio room in Bloom High School for all students to utilize. During his career, Dr. Navarre has been responsible for securing over 40 million dollars in state and federally-funded grants to enhance the educational and extra-curricular experiences of our students here at District 206.
Dr. Navarre has amassed numerous awards and accommodations like the Phi Kappa Delta Northeastern Illinois University 2009 Educator of the Year Award, the 2016 Golden Heart Award which is given to the person that has the greatest impact on the Chicago Heights community, and the 2017 Exceptional Achievement in Intentional Continuous Improvement Award for bringing the district back from the brink of state takeover.
Dr. Navarre continues to push our staff, students, and communities to “Level Up” and reach their full potential while implementing new strategies when we need to “Pivot” to reach those goals.